Friday, July 15, 2011

5 Months - Baby food and a Photo Shoot

I had the day off work today and Sabrina and I hade a Mommy/Daughter day! It began by getting her pictures taken at JC Penny. She did so amazing. She was well behaved but slightly camera shy, she did not want to smile for the photographer, she was just calm and cool the whole time. But she was still very beautiful and the pictures came out great. I ordered some prints and they will be in a week from now. I'm excited to mail them out to our family.

After her pictures we went shopping! At JC Penny I found her some really cute clothes on clearance for $3 and $4. Then we went to Babies R Us to buy some reuseable containers for her babyfood, and we even went to Wal-Mart. We were out for over 3 hours and she never fussed once! She definitely took a LONG nap when we got home.

Since Sabrina turned 4 months we introduced rice cereal and she has caught on to eating solids very well. Today I made her first batch of homemade baby food. I started with sweet potatoes, she really liked them. She will have those for a few days to rule out any allergic reactions, then I plan to have her try apples, I made the batch of apples tonight too and froze everything in single serve portions. The cost difference is amazing when it comes to making your own babyfood. Today's batches of food were 32 oz of sweet potato and 16 oz of apples and it cost me $3.50 the same amount of food in jars would have cost me about $20. If I can keep up with this, I will save so much money!

Thats about all we have been up to!
Here are some pictures! A sneek peek of Sabrina's photoshoot and a picture of her babyfood I made.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

4 Months and a Wake Up Call

This past week has been very crazy. Last Saturday my father ended up in the hospital for what he thought was something fairly simple that turned out to be much more serious. I won't go into details because its somewhat personal, but he ended up needing to have surgery. All is well with him now and he is healing well but while he was there they ran bloodwork on him and discovered he is diabetic and also has high blood pressure. So needless to say he was very overwhelmed with all of this new information, along with the fact that he had to have surgery. He spent two days in the hospital, and I did everything I could to make sure I was there for him, I was so worried for him and everything he was going through. Thankfully this experience can serve as a bit of a wake up call, not just to him, but our whole family to be sure to take good care of ourselves and our health because you never know what waits around the corner. My dad has a long road ahead of him filled with a lot of life long changes, but he is a strong man and I know he will do great!

On a more up beat note: Sabrina had her 4 month check up on June 21st and she weighed 11lbs 4oz and was 24 3/4 inches tall. The doctor said she looks awesome and is developing very well. In fact a couple days later she rolled over from her back to her stomach all on her own! Life is so good! Every day gets easier and now I sometimes can't imagine our lives before she was here, it has become so natural now.

It is 4th of July weekend and I dont know if we have any plans really. We live close to the Goodyear Spring Training Facilities and they will be letting off fireworks there tomorrow night. We may drive the car over to the next neighborhood over that faces the ballpark and watch the fireworks from there and come right back home but thats about it. No big plans. Its way too hot to try and BBQ and nobody we know has a pool, so we mostly try to stay in out of the heat. (It was 119 degrees today! OUCH!)

Here are some pictures of Sabrina that we took when she turned 4 months old!